Pathways offers events, groups and resources to encourage and support married couples. We stand with you at each step in your marriage journey, working alongside you to strengthen your relationships with Christ and each other.
We will update this page with any new opportunities for married couples.
Oct 18th, 6PM - 8PM & Oct 19th, 8AM - 3PM
FREE CHILDCARE (with prior registration)
A strong, growing marriage doesn’t just “happen.” It does take “work,” but it also takes wisdom. Marriage is a lot tougher and more complicated than you’ve imagined. At this two day marriage retreat we will shed some wisdom on some of the complexities that may be causing you frustration, conflict, and a growing sense of unhappiness and distance.
Speakers Seth and Mindy Gatchell are a godly, funny and knowledgeable couple who have pastored Pacific Church of Irvine for 40 years, and are experienced in counseling. Scroll down to learn more.