There's so much to celebrate on Easter! The empty tomb, a risen Jesus... our proof that He did what He said He would - secure a place for us in eternity with Him.
KIDS (Nursery - 5th)
Kids will enjoy an Easter themed service that concludes with a free Easter Egg Hunt!
(There will be no Jr. High and High School gathering. Students are encouraged to attend Easter service with their family.)
This week we encourage everyone at Pathways to dedicate 30 minutes to our specially prepared Holy Week Prayer Guide. Whatever day you choose, consider fasting from food or technology
Good Friday commemorates Christ's crucifixion as a somber but important celebration of sacrifice and love.
Communion is a time of worship when we come together to remember what Christ did for us.
Free childcare available for Nursery-5th. Older children and students are welcome to attend service with their family.