Marriage Conference

Oct 18th, 6PM - 8PM & Oct 19th, 8AM - 3PM

FREE CHILDCARE (with prior registration)

A strong, growing marriage doesn’t just “happen.” It does take “work,” but it also takes wisdom. Marriage is a lot tougher and more complicated than you’ve imagined. At this two day marriage retreat we will shed some wisdom on some of the complexities that may be causing you frustration, conflict, and a growing sense of unhappiness and distance.

Speakers Seth and Mindy Gatchell are a godly, funny and knowledgeable couple who have pastored Pacific Church of Irvine for 40 years, and are experienced in counseling. Scroll down to learn more.


Join us to spend quality time with your spouse and other married couples while learning tools to help you reconnect intimately, spiritually, and emotionally. We can’t wait for you to be blessed at this meaningful and encouraging retreat. 

Here’s what you’ll learn!

God’s Design for Marriage

  • What is God’s design for marriage, and how do we inadvertently torpedo it?
  • What role does God play in growing a marriage?
  • What kind of love do we need to grow a marriage? Where does that love originate? How do we sustain that love over time?
  • Why there is a huge distinction between “needs” and “desires.”

Understanding the Differences between Men and Women in Relationship

  • Why complimentary gender matters—how intimacy is built.
  • What needs are found in the feminine heart? And what pains? Fears?
  • What needs are found in the masculine heart? Frustrations? Fears?
  • In what ways should a man relate to a woman that has the potential to touch her heart?
  • In what ways should a woman relate to a man that has the potential to make a difference to him?
  • Ten common misconceptions about sex, five for the husband, five for the wife.

How to Enjoy One Another

Back before you married, it is enjoyed each other’s company. But it’s easy to lose sight of how we related that was so enjoyable back then. It is often the case that we end up relating in opposite ways from our dating years.

  • When a man moves (initiates) relationship with his wife, with the intent to help her feel heard, understood, and loved, he’s on the right track.
  • When a woman responds to a husband’s initiative with the intent to help him feel that he matters to her, and that his initiative is welcomed, he will run through brick walls for you.

The Difference between “Dating Love” and “Marital Love”

  • Why the love that got you to the wedding is insufficient upon which to build a growing marriage.
  • Marital love is something you intentionally build. It doesn’t “just happen.”
  • Learning to catch yourself when you are still operating on the “Dating Love Train”
  • Learning to de-board the “Dating Love Train” and board the “Marital Love Train”

How to Overcome Hurts

  • Walls grow between couples one brick at a time. A brick is a poorly processed hurt.
  • What factors in me make it harder to forgive my spouse when I’m hurt?
  • Why do my efforts to forgive end up with either a bad attitude or a grudging attitude?
  • What is the key component from changing hurts (which are natural) from anger and resentment to sadness and disappointment (which is a good thing!)